Monday, 3 June 2013

Chapter 2b


Designs using monoprinting method:-

Using acrylic paint with the gel printing plate

Sample 1

Blue acrylic on orange paper

1.Blue acrylic on orange paper  gloss AGL

Sample 2

On blue patterned paper (from 2a) with paper resists with metallic gold paint

2.Lidl metallic gold acrylic on blue patterned paper with paper resists  gloss AGL

Sample 3

Utramarine over paper shapes then orange

3.Lidl metasllic orange on brown patterned paper with paper resists and Lidl orange metallic swirled with Catalyst wedge  gloss AGL

Sample 4

Blue mixed with white on blue paper

4.Lidl blue and white acrylic with Catalyst wedge   gloss AGL

Sample 5

Blue/white – marks with cotton bud – then metallic orange

5.Lidl blue and white acrylic   gloss AGL swirled with cotton bud and same on top with Lidl metallic orange

Sample 6

Blue then gold applied in both directions

6.Lidl blue with gloss AGL. Shapes made with cotton bud. Lidl gold applied up and down and left to right and swirled with catalyst wedge on white paper

Sample 7

Metallic orange – plate had some residual marks on from a previous print which showed through quite effectively then metallic gold printed over

7.Lidl metallic orange and gloss AGL swirled with cotton bud on gelli plate showing residual marks from a previous print. Metallic gold bands printed on top. Blue paper

Sample 8

Ultramarine on plate then orange (Process Magenta and Process Yellow)  moved with a wedge.

8.Ultramarine System 3 and orange(process magenta and process yellow) moved with Catalyst wedge - orange on blue with with gloss AGL. White paper

Sample 9

Blue patterned paper with gold

9.Blue patterned paper wityh Lidl gold - catalyst wedge

Sample 10

Blue with paper spirals then orange shaped with wedge

10.Lidl blue with paper spirals as resist then orange with system 3 magenta and process yellow and gloss AGL shaped with catalyst 2 on white paper

Sample 11

Orange with Ultramarine and Payne’s Grey mixed. Rolled through a stencil.

11.Orange(magenta and process yellow) with ultramarine and Payne's grey all system 3 rolled over made rose stencil with gloss AGL on white paper

Sample 12

Decorated paper with blue/grey mix as above rolled through a stencil

12.Decorated paper with System 3 ultramarine and Payne's grey over stencil mini mums with gloss AGL

Sample 13

Made from second (ghost) prints done after lifting samples 10 and 11

13.Second(ghost)prints taken from plate after other designs - 10 and 11

Samples 14a and 14b

Not actually monoprinting but the pattern of the stencil used in Sample 12 was clearly left on the roller and I rolled it on the paper…

14a.Print taken from roller after 12 (ultramarine with Payne's grey)

14b.As 14a

Spiral Drawing using Photoshop CS5 and Corel Paint Shop Pro PhotoX2

Spiral drawing


2.Image1 first scribble


3.Image1 first scribble curlicues


4.Image1 first scribble twirl

another scribble

5.Image1 second scribble


6.Image1 second scribble curlicues


7.Image1 second scribble twirl

and some extra scribble

8.Image1 second scribble twirl with more scribble


9.Image1 second scribble twirl with more scribble curlicues

extra curlicues

10.Image1 second scribble twirl with more scribble and 6 curlicues 

extra twirl

11.Image1 second scribble twirl with more scribble twirl

and again

12.Image1 second scribble twirl with more scribble and 11 twirls

polar coordinates

13.Image1 second scribble twirl with more scribble polar coordinates

and again

14.Image1 second scribble twirl with more scribble and 11 polar coordinates

Lisianthus bud


taking a twirl

16.Twirl on Spirals-3365

Sketchbook pages

1.Page 31

2.Page 32

3.Page 33

4.Page 34

5.Page 35

6.Page 36

7.Page 37

8.Page 38

9.Page 39

10.Page 40

11.P[age 41

12.Page 42

13.Page 43


Evaluation 1

Evaluation 2


FOXTROT said...

Lots of super ideas here. It makes me want to get on to Module 3. Not so much more to do ...

Viv Estill said...

Thanks Lesley - yours looks great too

Catherine said...

Wow, these monoprints are fab Viv. I'm just about to start that part of the chapter and looking forward to having some fun with it. Hope I can do half as well as you have.