Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Module 3 Chapter 7

1.Title page
Simple Button Making
2. Page 1
3.Page 2
4.Page 3
5.Page 4
Button cores:-
Pebble shape:-
Foam board covered with wadding, torn fabric strips with stitching and wrapped with transformer wire
Covered Champagne cork:-
2 layers of felt swirled with the embellisher
3.Champagne cork
Square button:-
Covered and wrapped polystyrene
4.Square button
Triangular button:-
Foam board wrapped in felt and knitting yarn
5.Triangular button
Cotton reel button:-
Covered in wadding and tights.
Suffolk puffs at the ends and wrapped with yarn round the middle.
6.Cotton reel button
Round button:-
Cotton ball wrapped in tights with knitting yarn woven through linen threads.
7.Round button
Gingham Rose button:-
Tube of fabric twisted and sewn to make a rose shape
8.Gingham rose button
6.Page 5
7.Page 6
Dorset Button Structures
Dorset Crosswheels:-
Using metal curtain rings
9.Dorset crosswheels
and a wooden curtain ring with ribbon yarn – the “reverse “side shows a rose design in the centre -
10.Ribbon rose
Singleton Button:-
Using dyed and printed fabric
8.Page 7
9.Page 8
Buttons made from wire with the “Coiling Gizmo”:-
12.Wire buttons

Toggle Buttons
Canvas button:-
13.Canvas button
Frayed and beaded button:-
14.Frayed and beaded button
Leather button:-
15.Leather button
10.Page 9
11.Page 10
Toggles made with meltable (heat fusible) material
painted Zeelon with Angelina fibres cut in a triangle shape and heated
16.Zeelon button
spray painted pelmet Vilene wrapped over Lutradur and branded with a wood burner tool
17.Wood burner button
Vilene and Lutradur
18.Vilene and lutradur button
Tyvek fabric and threads all wound up and heated – makes coloured concentric circles
19.tyvek circles 1
20.Tyvek circles 2
Kunin felt marked with soldering iron
21.Blue kunin
Wool felt (not fusible) wrapped in painted Tyvek which was marked with soldering iron
22.Wool felt Tyvek
Kunin felt and painted flower cellophane
23.Blue kunin and cellophane
pelmet Vilene, Zeelon, Tyvek fabric wrapped around Angelina fibres and wrapped with threads - heated and marked with soldering iron
24.Wrapped vilene and zeelon
Craftex wrapped with metallic thread
25.Wrapped Craftex
All the buttons:-
Beads 1
Beads 2
Beads 3
Buttons 1
Buttons 2
Buttons n Beads
Other Toggle Shapes
Commercial fabrics applied to Bondaweb – cut to shape and rolled while hot round a large paint brush handle:-
right-angled triangle
isosceles triangle
3 rectangles
2 right-angled triangles
2 isosceles triangles
All the shapes:-
Beads 4
13.Page 12
14.Page 13
15.Page 14
17..Page 15
18.Page 15

1 comment:

Judith Aylett said...

Your display looked wonderful at Farncombe. cheers judith